Injured At Work? Call The Experts.
Atkinson Gerber Law Office

Injured? Take Action Now!

Atkinson Gerber Law Office
Injured? Take Action Now!

What are common workplace injuries?

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2021 | Work Injury |

All Minnesota workplaces come with typical job-related injury risks. A worker’s first day on the job might result in confusion that leads to an injury, and even someone who has worked the same tasks for several years can suffer mishaps. Knowing about the top causes of injuries may assist some employees in avoiding harm.

Getting hurt on the job

Injuries can come in many forms. Workers may suffer injuries to their knee, back or shoulder, especially if their occupation requires heavy lifting. A person who suffers a traumatic brain injury after getting hit by a falling object might require months of care. Slip-and-fall accidents could happen in any location, but some work environments come with greater chances for slipping. Falling from heights may represent a worker’s greatest fear because they can result in serious or even fatal injuries. Workers’ compensation payments may pay for some financial costs, so employees should look into what benefits become available to them after an injury.

Beware of workplace dangers

Many workplace hazards present chances for injuries. Even walking to an office building’s front door may be hazardous when ice is on the ground. Keeping an eye on nearby vehicles is advisable because car accidents could happen anywhere, including private parking lots.

Some issues or incidents are unpredictable. For example, acute sprains or cumulative injuries might leave someone surprised about a diagnosis. One day, a belligerent employee could react violently and hurt someone. The unpredictable nature of these incidents makes it important for employers to have a compensation program in place for unforeseen injuries.

Regardless of the circumstances, injuries leave workers with decisions to make about how to pay their medical bills. Taking legal action against a negligent employer or filing a workers’ comp claim could be among the measures to consider.



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