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Surgical procedures that help people with burn injuries

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2022 | Surgery |

Severe burns represent some of the most painful and severe workplace injuries, which need swift attention from medical professionals. The goal is to save lives and provide the proper treatment to help burn victims recuperate from these life-changing injuries and get on with their lives in the best way possible.

Although surgery is not required for all burn wounds, certain procedures may be necessary depending on the severity of the wounds. Surgery may represent the most effective way to treat burn injuries. Skin grafts and reconstructive procedures account for the majority of surgeries to treat burn injuries.

Skin grafts, amputation

Some of the more common surgical procedures performed on burn victims include:

  • Reconstructive surgery: This includes skin grafts. Depending on the severity of the burns, complex reconstructive surgery may be necessary. This may include bone grafting, tissue expansion and microvascular surgery.
  • Skin grafts: The most severe burns will require skin grafting. A skin graft occurs when surgeons transfer healthy skin from another part of the person’s body to the affected area. The result is the growth of new cells that cover the damaged area with fresh skin. Grafts do leave scars.
  • Tissue expansion: Commonly used by surgeons, this procedure allows the body to grow additional skin, later used to reconstruct wounds in another part of the body.
  • Microvascular surgery: This entails the transfer of skin, bone and muscle with the vein or artery to the wound in need of reconstruction. Surgeons rely on this procedure to reattach amputated body parts such as fingers, hands and arms.
  • Fasciotomy: This procedure is usually used to treat circumferential burns in which the burns affect the circumference of fingers, toes, arms, legs and torso.
  • Amputation: The removal of a body part may be necessary in the most severe cases such as deep burns wounds and electrocution.

Any of these surgical procedures may save the lives of people burned in a workplace accident.

Many workers face this danger

Workers who are more susceptible to burn injuries include electricians, mechanics, construction workers, food service workers, painters as well as those in landscaping and maintenance. A burn injury may prevent any person from working and also provide challenges in accomplishing everyday tasks. If you sustained burns due to the negligence of someone or your employer, seek advice from a skilled attorney.



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